Mar 07, 2019 | Don McNichol | 1206 views
Year End Banquets
Information on the Year End Banquets....
All Banquets are Pot Luck. Paper plates, cutlery, water and coffee will be provided. Each team has been designated with what to bring. Info listed below for each Banquet.
~Local League Banquet will be held on Wednesday, April 10th in Sundridge 6pm-9pm~
Atom - salads
PeeWee - main dish
Bantam - main dish
Midgets - desserts
~Rep League Banquet will be held on Thursday, April 25th in Burk's Falls 6pm-9pm~
Novice - desserts
Atom - main dish
PeeWee - main dish
Midgets - salads
~Beginner and Tyke Banquet will be held on Sunday, April 14th in South River 1pm-4pm~
Beginner - desserts
Tyke - main dish