IP Festival (Initiation Program), Calendar (Almaguin Minor Hockey)

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IP Festival (Initiation Program)
Sun Sep 09, 2018, All Day Event
Location: Summit Centre, Huntsville
IP Festival (Initiation Program)
Sunday, September 9th, 2018
Canada Summit Centre, Huntsville

HMHA will be hosting a FREE IP (Initiation Program) Festival for all Players in Initiation (5/6 yr), Tyke (7 yr) and Novice (8 yr) who belong to a MPS Association.

This program will be run by OMHA Instructors, demonstrating the under 8 program, using the Hockey Canada Model.

You will be contacted the week of August 27th with your session times.  Each session will run approximately 3 hours and will consist of an on ice, off ice and Parent Q and A.

Please, remember you MUST be registered with your home association for this upcoming season in order to participate in the IP Festival.


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