Dates have been set for your team. Dates are listed below.
November 19th
Atom Rep - 6pm Burk’s Falls
Peewee Rep 7:10pm Burk’s Falls
Bantam LL 8: 20 Burks Falls
November 20th
Novice Minor 5:40pm South River
Novice Major 6:00pm South River
Atom LL - 7:00pm Sundridge
Peewee LL - 7:00pm Sundridge
Midget LL - 8:40 Sundridge
November 30th
Beginner and Tyke 9am - South River
December 3rd
Bantam Rep - 7pm Sundridge
Midget Rep - 8:20pm Sundridge
Team managers will have the order forms. Payment must be brought the night of pictures and given directly to the photographer, not the team manager.